Fusion Agency (Fusion) Announces its equity position inside Construction Zone and Zone Design Australia.
Established in 2002 Construction Zone and Zone design have vast experience in the retail, hospitality and office sectors in the fit outs and design process. From project planning, design and construction through to documentation, structural integrity and implantation, Zone is fully vertical from factory to store.
For the past 24 months, the corporate mission of IFC has been to become a leading ‘below the line’ Integrated Retail Marketing solution in Australasia. IFC has recently expanded on its procurement with a host of acquisitions and equity partnerships.
IFC is a leading Retail Marketing agency which is made up of OPG, DDI & 24 digital, specializing in print procurement, point of sale, packaging display, proprietary lines & products, project management, fulfilment packaging services and conceptual & graphic design. To accompany all these companies, we can now offer the Construction Zone and Zone Design to its armoury.