Fusion Agency is extremely proud as an organisation to introduce you to Sani-Station. Born and ideated through necessity and in the midst of the global pandemic Covid-19, an opportunity presented itself to address the gaping void in the market, for hand sanitising solutions. Utilising all the diverse portfolio of capabilities across the group, a new segment and company was born.
With the collaboration of our industrial and conceptual designers, we built a full range of sanitisation solutions, for all sectors that services consumers and patrons, across all corners of our society. So it was, with only 5 weeks for turnaround from concept to delivering our first range of sanitisation fixtures and units, that we officially launched our Sani-Station out to market on the 30th of March 2020.
At Sani-Station, we offer a range of a user-friendly hand sanitising units, used to promote hand hygiene health. Made for all popular destinations across and not limited to, retail environments, offices, stadiums, visitor centres, airports and public transport. A Sani-Station helps to prevent the spread of germs and provides peace of mind to customers and employees. It’s the essential fixture for the future as part of the new era of Corporate Social Responsibility and protecting our communities.
Our range of products are designed for every key location, with freestanding, counter and wall-mounted units, with auto touch-free dispensing of sanitisation gel. Keep your customers informed with the latest promotions or brand messages through an in-built digital screen. There is no need to worry about ongoing maintenance, refills or updating content, as our service teams can do it all! Please enquire for further information and to find out about the equipment leases, rental agreements and purchasing options available.
Find out more at www.sanistation.co